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World Record Balancing Stunt

Circus Specialist Rick Lewis Entertains and Educates

Rick Lewis balances an entire couch on his chin as part of an educational exhibit at The Telus Center in British Columbia. The stunt was part of a customized instructional presentation designed together by Mr. Lewis, the Science World (now Telus Center) administrative staff and professor Douglas Beder from the University of British Columbia physics department.

Physics Finds Friends in Corporate Entertainer

The show, entitled, "Furnysics, The Physics of Furniture" provided a tangible demonstration of core physics principles by setting Rick Lewis loose in a real live livingroom which the science center set up on their mainstage for the event. Rick did backflips off of the recliner, juggled objects on the end of a coffee table, spun delighted child volunteers on a desk chair and, for the finale, balanced an entire, actual livingroom couch on his chin. The stunts were accompanied by explanations of physics principles such as rotation, inertia, center of mass, and gravity. The couch balancing was meant to prove that any object could be successfully balanced as long as it's center of mass could be determined and there was someone crazy enough to attempt to find it.

It was observed after the fact that Lewis may have set a world-record for balancing the largest object ever on his chin. An application to the actual Guiness Book of World records fizzled out when it became known that such world-records must be attended by an official from the organization, leaving only this Vancouver press photo which appeared on the front page of a local paper to substantiate the feat.

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